This is the second of our newsletters as agreed at the AGM to keep you informed of various activities. Members can also use our Newsletter to pass on any information they would like to share and details for the next newsletter will need to reach me by 31st May
We are delighted to say that for the first time in our history we have passed the half century in terms of numbers of clubs and organisations in membership of Sport Haslemere. The current number of affiliated members is 53.
Monday 13th May – Open Meeting hosted by Hindhead Bowls & Croquet Club – you should have received your invitation to this event separately
Wednesday 13th September – Open Meeting hosted by Haslemere Borders Athletic Club
9th October – Gala Sports Awards Evening at Haslemere Hall
Sport Haslemere and Woolmer Hill Sports Association jointly hosted a meeting at The Edge on 20th March attended by some 30 people. All of the users were given an update on progress now that they were able to make use of the facilities once again. There remain a number of issues to resolve as well as establishing a long term plan as the current arrangements are for a 12 month period. Woolmer Hill Sports Association are taking the lead in preparing the plan and Sport Haslemere will continue to support them in this endeavour
Haslemere Sports Association has notified us that they will be reducing the sums available for future grants from the current £7,500 per annum to £4,000 per annum. They have provided this support for over 10 years and their funds are gradually reducing so they have made this adjustment to preserve the longer term funding support. We have therefore adjusted our rules so that the maximum grant available will now be £1,000 although we still prefer to support smaller applications. Details of the new rules are included on our web site and you can send applications to us at any time and they will be considered in November
Haslemere Sports Association has similarly limited the number of Create a Star Bursaries to a maximum of 8 in any one year again to preserve their funds. Haslemere Town Council has agreed to sponsor one of the awards for 2024 and applications are now invited for the current round of awards. A separate notification will shortly be sent to all member organisations about the process and we look forward to receiving a good number of applications. We have a new panel of independent adjudicators this year consisting of Lawrie Baker from Active Surrey; Simon Crowther from Sport Godalming and Peter Jones of Sportslocker
The latest edition of the Haslemere Herald – Thursday 11th April – carried an article about the success of one of our 2023 bursary winners. Angelique Wallace a weightlifter won silver at The English Age Group Weightlifting Championships in 2023. Congratulations to Angelique and so pleased that the bursary has helped in her success
A further reminder that our major event of the year will be held on Wednesday 9th October at Haslemere Hall. The formal invite for nominations will be sent out in early June but it is never too early for you to be thinking about who you might wish to nominate for the regular awards. We really would like to see a bumper number of applications this year so make sure you and your organization don’t miss out. We will have the normal 12 awards – the one change is that we will not be making the School Initiative Award as we consider it to be too similar to the award for Sporting Impact in Schools which will continue. We will however be offering up to 2 Bursaries of £250 each for Sports Officials and Coaches and details of the awards and how to apply will be sent out by the end of May.
I am delighted that John Joyce from Camelsdale School has offered to help with our Facebook page and already we can see that there is much more activity on the page. We are very grateful to John for volunteering and he is keen to see that all of our members make the best possible use of this facility. If you have not already linked with our page please do take the opportunity – the link is
Don’t forget the Haslemere Herald are keen to hear from you about sporting activities in your club and they are more than willing give publicity to your achievements. Please get in touch with their sports editor Tom White –
The next Newsletter will be issued in June and any items for inclusion should reach me by 31st May –
The 2024 Committee is:-
President Melanie Odell
Chairman Chris Grimes
Secretary Tony Bishop
Treasurer Peter Lindars
Membership Adrian Blyth
Members Nigel Bell
Peter Jones
David Round
Denise Hart
15th April 2024